You Should Buy Yourself Flowers (Cocktail Recipe Attached)

Every fabulous cocktail has a story behind it.

Today I crafted a cocktail inspired by flowers because I’ve been buying myself bouquets of them for years now. Yes, long before Miley Cyrus ever sang about buying herself flowers, I’d beennn doing that.

It all started in fall 2018. I was a senior in high school, lost in what I wanted in life and confused about who I was going to be. I wasn’t the most confident woman in America, but what 17 year old is really? It was a weird time and I do not wish to go back to it.

Graduation 2019. I was like peace tf out…

Any who…one peculiar day, the school principal came into my leadership class to announce that Silento would be performing in our school parking lot. First I thought to myself, “who the hell is that?” Then I realized, it’s the man who sings the song “Watch Me.” Dear Lord.

Before I knew it, Silento showed up at my high school and performed in the parking lot. This was real life - we were whipping and nae-ing in broad daylight (see below for proof if you don’t believe me).

Silento and I.

The concert was fine I don’t remember a ton, but I do remember this: eventually at the end of the show, Silento passed out single red rose flowers to every girl in the front row of his concert…EVERY GIRL except for me. I was appalled to be quite frank. I don’t know if he didn’t like short blondes or simply could not see me due to me being short. All I know is I was pissed.

I thought about it for a little after Silento’s final whip and nae nae. Then all of the sudden I was hit with a feeling I can only imagine compares to a tsunami - the revelation that no one owes me flowers….but that doesn’t mean I don’t deserve them. I also remembered I don’t care what Silento thinks about me and that I have a car and dignity. So in that instant, I left school, drove to Harris Teeter, and bought myself not one thorn but a bouquet of flowers! All for me! And I’ve been doing so ever since.

I know this story seems petty and maybe rather silly, but it catalyzed a turning point in my life. Instead of waiting for nice things to happen and bring me joy, I began creating joy for myself. You can let life happen to you and make the best of it or you can make a life for yourself. I try my best to live by that.

Funny enough, I simultaneously and unintentionally found that once I treated myself, I was also being treated by others.

No matter if I’m receiving the world or receiving nothing, it’s okay! I can buy myself flowers.

Preferably white roses.

Ok here’s the recipe for my floral chamomile cocktail:


  • Gin

  • Chamomile tea

  • Lemon juice

  • Honey 

  • Sugar 

  • Edible chamomile flower


  1. Brew chamomile tea and refrigerate for an hour or two.

  2. In a shaker tin, add ice, gin, tea, lemon juice, and honey. Shake shake shake!

  3. Next take your martini glass and ice the rim with honey, then dip in granulated sugar.

  4. Strain your cocktail into the sugar-rimmed martini glass.

  5. Top with an edible chamomile flower (I found mine at Wegmans) or add a real life flower but seriously please don’t eat it.


Espresso “Tini Bit Older” Party


Poppi Cocktails…A Summer Series